Carrefour Belgium to install self-checkout counters in all its hypermarkets

Carrefour Belgium announced during a special meeting of its works council, held at the company’s head office in Evere, its intention to put in several self-checkouts in its hypermarkets, during the next two years. The company further indicated its position in a press release. Carrefour Belgium to install self-checkout counters in all its hypermarkets

To justify the installation of self-checkouts, Carrefour explains that this type of check-out is popular with customers, is “ideal for quick purchases,” and avoids long queues.

The trade unions met the Carrefour management on Wednesday as part of the first phase of the so-called “Renault procedure”, initiated following the announcement by the company of the impending loss of 1,233 jobs last week.

In a tweet, Setca stated that the works council meeting was “very tense”. The trade union added, “It is, once again, the workers who are taking the rap so as to guarantee the company’s future profitability.”
Carrefour Belgium recently announced a restructuring plan which is likely to result in the loss of 1,233 jobs. (


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