Puratos buys European bakery ingredients specialist Diamant | Progresiv

Bakery and confectionery company Puratos has acquired all of the shares in Diamant, one of the leading bakery ingredient producers in central Europe, from Germany’s Werhahn Group. Puratos buys European bakery ingredients specialist Diamant

Diamant is based in Austria but has a strong market presence in Poland and the Czech Republic. Its ingredients for the bakery sector are available through distributors and partners under its own brand or private label.

According to Daniel Malcorps, chief executive officer of Puratos, the deal will help to increase its presence in the Austrian market and strengthen its position in central and eastern European markets.

“[Inheriting] an experienced team and a solid manufacturing unit in Austria itself, and the long-time presence of Diamant in the market, will allow us to further grow our sales in a region which is very influential in the rest of central and eastern Europe,” he said.

Piet Sanders, markets director for northern and eastern Europe for Puratos, added: “With the acquisition of Diamant, we are extremely pleased to double the size of our business in Poland and the Czech Republic. We believe in being able to become a true and complete business development partner for Austrian bakers, chocolatiers and patissiers, with a strong local presence and excellent services including [Diamant’s] innovation centre in Wels.

“In Poland and the Czech Republic, we will be able to offer a wider product and service range to customers, as we will unite and build on the strengths of both Diamant and Puratos in these countries.”

Anton Werhahn, CEO of Werhahn Group, added: “Diamant has been an integral part of the Werhahn group for over 20 years. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the management and all employees for the passion and enthusiasm they have demonstrated for the bakery ingredients business during this time.

“As the Werhahn Group has now decided to focus on its three core divisions – building materials, consumer goods and financial services – we are very happy to have found in Puratos a successor who shares our values as a family business. As part of a growing and dynamic worldwide business, we know they will provide Diamant with outstanding development opportunities in the future.” (www.foodbev.com)

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