Lidl UK to 'bulk sell' imperfect fruit and vegetables | Progresiv

Lidl's UK operation is to sell five-kilograms boxes of 'imperfect' fruit and vegetable products for £1.50 per box, as part of its 'Too Good To Waste' trial. Lidl UK to 'bulk sell' imperfect fruit and vegetables

According to Retail Gazette, the retailer has launched the week-long trial as it bids to cut food waste per store by 25% by 2020.

The fruit and vegetable boxes will be sold between the hours of 8am and 10am at 122 stores across the UK. Following the trial period, Lidl will make a decision on whether to roll out the scheme across its entire estate.

The measure could save an estimated 10,000 tonnes of waste per year, the retailer said.

“Proportionately, we sell the most fruit & veg in the sector, but we know from our data that fresh produce is one of the biggest contributors to food waste in stores,” Lidl UK chief executive Christian Hartnagel commented.

“We’re excited by the difference our Too Good To Waste initiative will make. Not only will it help customers consider items they might have previously dismissed, it will also provide an opportunity for them to make further savings.”

The move follows similar measures by Asda and Morrisons, who also offer 'wonky veg boxes', priced at £3.50 and £3 respectively. (

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