Vinarte announces a rebranding and a 15% growth target | Progresiv

Vinarte winemaker aims to increase business by 15% this year compared to 2018, after last year reported a turnover of 10.5 million lei and an advance of 10% compared to 2017. It relies on the increase in the portfolio of products, especially on the premium and super premium ranges, and on the modernization of the two wine cellars owned in Oltenia and their introductioninto the tourist circuit. Vinarte announces a rebranding and a 15% growth target

60% of the production goes to the local market, HoReCa and retail, and the rest to export, while in 2019 the company is targeting new markets such as Japan, Great Britain, Italy and Spain. In retail, the most sold products in the company's portfolio are the Domeniile Vinarte, Castel Bolovanu and Castel Starmina.

The increase in Vinarte sales this year will also contribute to the rebranding campaign the producer is currently developing. "We are in the process of rebranding, under the sign of necessity and desire to align with a modern line, to capture the attention of a young audience. Thus, for icon brands - Sirena Dunarii, Soare, Prince Mircea, Castel Bolovanu - the historical, recognizable, part of the brand DNA has been preserved. As for the Cuvee D'Excellence and Nedeea brands, alongside the Domeniile Vinarte and Castel Starmina, they have acquired new clothes - the shape of the bottle and label are more suited to more friendly, modern content, and marks the 20 years that “we spent with those who love Vinarte wines”, said Domaine Vinarte representatives.

In 2017, the Vinarte producer, owned at that time by several Romanian and foreign investors, was taken over entirely by a Luxembourg investor, Tim Brockman. he has invested up to 1.5 million euros in Vinarte, which includes the value of the acquisition.

The total production capacity of Domaine Vinarte is 1.7 million liters per year, the company having vineyards in Bolovanu (Samburesti) and Starmina (Mehedinti).

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