SWITZERLAND: Migros trials food-to-go offer, anounnces joint venture | Progresiv

Switzerland-based Migros innovates with a new takeaway food concept called 'My Way' and confirms the formation of a joint venture with India's Future Group. SWITZERLAND: Migros trials food-to-go offer, anounnces joint venture

The new food offer, 'My Way', offers customers a chance to personalise their order. With the food-to-go market growing in popularity in Switzerland, Migros hopes to compete and if 'My Way' is successful, it could be rolled out nationally. The takeaway food market in Switzerland has grown by around 7.5% in the last five years, whereas Migros' food-to-go offer has only seen sales grow by 1% during the same period. By improving its offer in line with what customers want, the retailer hopes to increase sales in the area to drive long term growth.

The new menu comprises primarily of salads and sandwiches, all of which customers can customise. The food is then assembled in front of customers, using fresh ingredients, and orders can be paid for at a manned till or at a self service pay point. Within the food-to-go area, there are tables available for customers who wish to consume their purchases immediately and enjoy the full dining experience at the store.

In other news, Migros and the Future Group, have announced the formation of a 50:50 joint venture. The partnership will be based in Switzerland but aims to set up a manufacturing base in India. The joint venture will be between Migros' Mibelle unit and the Future Consumer Enterprise division, and will manufacture, market, distribute and export a new range of personal care products. One of the retailers strategic targets is to seek growth abroad, and with this partnership, Migros is positioning itself to benefit from the future growth of the Indian market. (www.igd.com)

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