ROMANIA: Polish group Maspex Wadowice to take over Rio Bucovina | Progresiv

Polish Group Maspex Wadowice signed a contract for the takeover of Rio Bucovina bottled water manufacturer, the transaction being subject to approval by the Competition Council. This is the third acquisition of Maspex Wadowice Group on the Romanian market and the transaction includes the acquisition of three manufacturing facilities of Rio Bucovina, located in Vatra Dornei, Timisoara and Giurgiu, together with the Bucovina brand. ROMANIA: Polish group Maspex Wadowice to take over Rio Bucovina

Rio Bucovina is one of the largest manufacturers of natural mineral waters on the Romanian market. Rio Bucovina is the second largest player by volume, with a share of almost 10% of the bottled water market (market data for the period April-May 2015), according to AC Nielsen.

The transaction represents the 18th acquisition of Maspex Wadowice Group and the third on the Romanian market. In 2007, Tymbark Maspex Romania, part of Maspex Wadowice Group, acquired Amos brand and in 2013 Salatin and Capollini brands - the oldest commercial trademarks on the crackers and pretzels segment.

Romania is the second largest market for Maspex after Poland, both in terms of turnover and investments made, as well as purchasing power. Currently Maspex Romania is known as a manufacturer of instant products, juices, nectars and soft drinks, pasta, crackers and pretzels. The company entered the Romanian market in 1996 and is now one of the largest Polish investors in Romania.

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