ROMANIA: Mega Image enters the market in Moldova by taking over the Zanfir chain | Progresiv

Mega Image retailer took over the Zanfir chain of stores, owned by the entrepreneurs Lilieana and Vasile Zanfir. The transaction includes all 12 commercial units operated by the retailer and received the approval of the Competition Council. ROMANIA: Mega Image enters the market in Moldova by taking over the Zanfir chain

With this takeover Mega Image takes an important step in the national expansion and assures its entry on the Moldova market, especially in the context in which Iasi is the next important city on the Mega Image map.

Over the past two years, Mega Image has taken important steps in the nationwide expansion, marking entry into the Cluj market in 2017 and the market in Timisoara last year. Zanfir retailer operates 12 stores in the region of Moldova, being present in Focsani, Braila, Panciu, Darmanesti, Adjud and Targu Ocna.

Zanfir is the oldest chain of stores in the Vrancea area and was established in 1991. Over the years, the retailer has also claimed the title of the largest chain in the region, currently operating 12 commercial units. The company reported a turnover of 188 million lei in 2017, up by 31% over the previous year and a profit of approximately 3 million lei, down by 25% compared to 2016.

Founded in 1995, Mega Image is one of the largest supermarket chains in Romania currently counting 676 stores in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Constanta, Ploiesti, Brasov, Targoviste, Timisoara and other cities in the country, under the Mega Image, Shop & Go, Romanian Tastes banners. According to the most recent financial data available, the company ended 2017 with a business of 4.9 billion lei, reporting an increase of 14% compared to 2016.


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