ROMANIA: Auchan takes the supermarket format outside the Capital | Progresiv

Auchan Retail Romania continues to expand its supermarket format, marking its first opening outside the Capital. The retailer inaugurated its first supermarket in Craiova on Thursday, November 15 and the fourth MyAuchan independent unit. ROMANIA: Auchan takes the supermarket format outside the Capital

The store, with a sales area of ​​250 square meters, is located near the State University of Craiova, Alexandru Ioan Cuza Street, no. 16C and proposes to customers a range of 3,000 food and non-food items.

"We are pleased to open the first MyAuchan proximity store in Craiova. We want to be closer to Craiova in their proximity areas and offer them a tailor-made shopping solution designed to reduce shopping time", said Cristian Anghel, Regional Manager, Auchan Retail Romania.

With the opening of MyAuchan store in Craiova, Auchan Romania reaches a total of 19 MyAuchan stores nationwide: 15 stores in Petrom stations through the partnership with OMV Petrom and four independent MyAuchan stores - three in Bucharest and one in Craiova.

In addition to MyAuchan stores, Auchan Retail Romania has 33 hypermarkets in its portfolio as well. With more than 280,000 m2 net sales area and over 10,000 employees, the retailer has more than 1.2 billion euros in business.

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