Lidl Serbia opens its gates in October | Progresiv

Lidl will open ten supermarkets in Serbia in October – the Vecernje Novosti daily wrote. Although, the German supermarket chain is reluctant to reveal the exact date of the opening, the media are speculating, citing anonymous sources, that Lidl could be opening its first supermarket in October. Lidl Serbia opens its gates in October

The sources also say that Lidl has already ordered a large contingent of goods from domestic manufacturers, which brands it will sell. Considering that Lidl started producing goods with a shorter expiry date this month, that could indicate that the official opening is very near.

This will finally put an end to the saga that was the arrival of this supermarket chain to Serbia, which plans to open retail facilities in many cities throughout the country. In June, in the presence of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Lidl opened a large distribution centre in Stara Pazova.

Lidl has confirmed that they might be opening 10 or even 15 supermarkets at the same time.

Lidl has already employed around 1,000 workers in Serbia, who have undergone paid training across the region, where this company is already operating. We have unofficially found out that the supermarkets are already being stocked with goods and that cashiers and other employees have had the work practice there.

It remains to be seen whether Lidl’s products will be more affordable than the competition’s. Although economy experts think that no dramatic changes will take place after Lidl opens its doors, the manufacturers and new Lidl’s partners from Serbia claim that prices will be much lower than in the existing retail chains. (

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