Lidl to open at least 5 new stores in Bulgaria in 2019 | Progresiv

The Lidl chain continues its sustainable expansion in Bulgaria in 2019. The company plans to open at least 5 new stores, focusing on the big cities and the Black Sea coast. A few days ago, the 94th store of the chain opened in the resort of St. St. Constantine and Helena, followed by Pomorie, Tsarevo and several shops in Sofia. "Our plans for 2019 are ambitious, as we have opened 7 new stores in 2018. With the new expansion of our sales network this year, we are aiming to offer convenient shopping locations for residents in central areas and the periphery of major cities , as well as the opportunity for more people on the Black Sea coast to access our products in an optimal price-quality ratio. Lidl Bulgaria will continue to expand its sales network by offering the Lidl range of products to more and more potential customers prompting them to save money and time in providing quality products for their family, "said Milena Dragiyska, CEO of Lidl Bulgaria. Lidl to open at least 5 new stores in Bulgaria in 2019

Along with the planned openings, the company continues with its existing store renovation program, which aims to modernize, provide more convenience, and improve energy efficiency. The renovation program includes 60 stores, and for two years, the chain has renewed a total of 42 stores, providing more convenience in shopping for its customers, and in 2019 plans to renovate the last 18 sites. The renovation measures include reconfiguration, implementation of state-of-the-art equipment and the complete replacement of LED lighting with energy-saving LED lighting to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions in order to achieve a number of improvements to a more modern vision, more space and comfort for customers and employees.

Just last year, in its newly opened stores, the company also revealed over 200 new jobs, reaching up to 2700 employees across the country. This year, Lidl Bulgaria plans to open another 200 new jobs to strengthen its position as one of the country's largest employers, offering excellent working conditions, some of the highest pay levels in the industry, an attractive social package and diverse career development opportunities and qualifications across a wide range of professions. Lidl is the largest food chain in Europe, part of the German Schwarz-Gruppe and is present in 30 countries. In Bulgaria, Lidl started its business in 2010. Today, the company has 94 stores in 46 cities and nearly 2,700 employees. (


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