Amazon France launches producers’ boutique | Progresiv

Amazon France has launched a shop-in-shop, La boutique des Producteurs, which has seen it add almost 2,000 grocery products to its assortment. Amazon France launches producers’ boutique

The shop offers mainly delicatessen and fresh produce sourced by local producers and suppliers. The focus is on high quality and premium products, such as olive oil, meats, spirits, foie gras and oysters, among others, which are sold in France and Europe.

Patrick Labarre, director of the marketplace, explained that a “number of companies in the agriculture world are still struggling to get involved in the digital economy”. The shop will, therefore, help them “develop their activity” whilst keeping control of their stock and prices. Producers can also choose to manage their own shipping or choose shipped by Amazon.

Producers involved include the Bellanger chocolate factory. The company’s manager, Vianney Bellanger, stated “we will not close our site” as it offers shoppers a click and collect service, which Amazon lacks. However, the company will benefit from Amazon’s wide audience and so will participate as “a trial run”. Bellanger believes the site could mark “the beginning of the end of small ecommerce sites in the next two to three years”.

Amazon will charge producers a monthly subscription fee of 39 euros after the first three months. It will also take an 8% to 15% commission from every product shipped according to its weight. (

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