Ahold Delhaize opens first checkout-free stores in The Netherlands | Progresiv

Ahold Delhaize has opened its first checkout-free ‘Albert Heijn to go’ stores, as it looks to offer customers an enhanced shopping experience. Ahold Delhaize opens first checkout-free stores in The Netherlands

The group has rolled out two such outlets in the Amsterdam Medical Center, with a third set to go live in Amsterdam’s central train station in the coming weeks.  Ahold Delhaize did not say how much it is investing on the same.

The stores allow customers to pay at the shelf itself, using a ‘tap to go’ card or smartphone app, with the payment being automatically debited from their account within 10 minutes. The app is currently only available on Android phones, with other operating systems set to be added later.

Ahold Delhaize said will roll out the technology to all its 80 Albert Heijn to go convenience stores, adding: “We want to offer our customers plenty of choice, quality and convenience anytime and anywhere. With ‘tap to go’, we really bring that convenience to the next level. Who waits in a line for fun?” (www.kamcity.com)

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