GLOBAL: More consumers willing to buy groceries online – Nielsen | Progresiv

A new study by Nielsen has found that the number of consumers who buy groceries online, and who are willing to use it in the future, continues to grow. However, the survey also found that physical stores have strong key advantages over e-commerce - especially for fast-moving consumer goods.  GLOBAL: More consumers willing to buy groceries online – Nielsen

According to the ‘Global E-commerce and the New Retail Survey’, 25% of those polled said they already buy grocery products online, with 55% saying they will consider doing so going ahead. Meanwhile, 61% said they still think going to a physical store is an “enjoyable and engaging experience”, with 57% saying physical grocery shopping “is a fun day out for the family”. 

The Nielsen research also found that ‘clicks lead to bricks’, noting that this is an important take-away for retailers and manufacturers. It added that key touch-points include finding the store, making shopping lists, checking prices, researching products, sharing reviews and manufacturer and retailer content on social media and finally purchasing. 

Retailers have a lot of room to grow when it comes to in-store digital enablement options, such as mobile coupons, lists and shopping apps, and in-store Wi-Fi availability. Use of online or mobile coupons (18%) and mobile shopping lists (15%) were the most cited forms of in-store digital engagement, with 65% and 64% willing to use them in the future, respectively. Downloading a retailer/loyalty program app on a mobile phone to receive information or offers was used by 14% of the respondents, and 63% said they're willing to use one when it is available. Another 12% said they log in to store Wi-Fi to receive information or offers, 11% use in-store computers to view extended product ranges, and 11% scan QR codes to access more information. Roughly two-thirds, however, are willing to use these options in the future (66%, 68% and 65%), respectively. (

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