GLOBAL: How is Auchan restructuring its management team | Progresiv

Auchan has secretly conducted a large project for the restructuring of its management team, replacing the head of the French subsidiary - the largest company of the group – with the President of Auchan Italy and Romania, Patrick Espasa, according to Les Echos. GLOBAL: How is Auchan restructuring its management team

The new management structure will be composed of a board of directors, and above them will be the supervisory board led by Vianney Mulliez, the grandson of the founder of the group, Gérard Mulliez. Currently, he is chairman of the administrative council which does not appear in the new organization chart.

In his turn, the current head of the Russian chain, Wilhelm Hubner, will be appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Another major change is the creation of the group's retail division, which brings together all the food commerce activities - hypermarkets and supermarkets - and is the largest business of the French.

In fact, this reformation of the group focused mainly on the creation of three autonomous companies: Auchan Retail, Immochan (the property division) and Accord Bank. The three entities will operate under the Auchan Holding umbrella, whose secretary general will be current CFO of the group, Xavier de Mezerac.

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