DIA Spain trials forecourt store concept in Madrid | Progresiv

Spanish retailer DIA is reported to be trialling a new forecourt store format in Madrid, according to Lebensmittel Zeitung. DIA Spain trials forecourt store concept in Madrid

In partnership with petrol distributor BP, the retailer is launching its new 'Shop' format at a number of service stations around the country's capital city.

However, the retailer has said that this move is only a pilot programme, and it has no plans yet for a roll-out across the country.

DIA is not the first grocer in Spain to have expanded into the area of forecourt retail, with French retail group Carrefour currently operating around 200 Express stores in Cespa petrol stations across the country.

Meanwhile, El Corte Inglés partnered with Repsol last year, with the aim of creating 'the largest network of convenience stores in Spain'. El Corte Inglés is set to expand its network of Supercor Stop & Go forecourt stores exclusively with Repsol, which operates approximately 3,500 service stations across the country.

DIA's move into this area is the latest in a series of collaborative deals by the Spanish company.

The retailer has expanded its partnership with Amazon in the past year, installing Amazon collection lockers in selected La Plaza de Dia stores, and offering a wide range of products on the Prime Now platform.

In December, it also announced the expansion of its joint venture with Groupe Casino, with the creation of a new company, CD Supply Innovation. (www.esmmagazine.com)

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