Vascar wants to reach 25 stores by the end of 2020 | Progresiv

Vascar, one of the main producers of meat products and canned food, announces the opening of a new store in Iasi. At present, the Vascar store chain has 22 commercial units, distributed in the region of Moldova. The new location involves an investment of over 45,000 euros. Vascar wants to reach 25 stores by the end of 2020

"Our strategy is to invest in expanding our own distribution network and estimate another three new units by the end of the year. We will adapt to the needs of the market, we will try to offer our customers exactly what they are looking for - not only a competitive offer, but also a real shopping experience", says Vlad Ciuburciu, Vascar General Director.

The new unit has an area of ​​32 square meters, is located on No. 27 Petre Tutea street and is the 6th Vascar store in Iasi. In addition to its own branded meat products and preparations, Vascar and Moldova in Bucate, the store also offers other food and non-food products of high consumption.

Founded in 1984 in Vaslui, Vascar is a company with 100% Romanian capital and is one of the main producers of meat products and canned food in Romania. The company owns a processing plant in Vaslui and 22 own stores in the region of Moldova, being one of the main employers in the region.

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