Spar launches online store in Hungary | Progresiv

Spar Hungary has announced the launch of a new online store, which includes a home delivery service covering Budapest and 49 surrounding municipalities. Spar launches online store in Hungary

The retailer said that the investment into this new online platform has created almost 100 jobs.

Spar Hungary has invested 3 million euros in the online solution and expects the annual turnover of the service to equal that of an Interspar hypermarket, with an average basket spend of 46 euros.

It plans to expand the online service in the near future.

“We have achieved another milestone with the launch of our online solution. Thanks to great team work, we have successfully implemented a major project for the business." said Márk Maczelka, head of communications at Spar Hungary. Spar Hungary said that shoppers can request deliveries from Monday to Saturday, in two hour time slots.

The delivery fee ranges from 1.50 euros to 3.00 euros. Alternatively, shoppers can choose to collect their orders through a drive-in service at the Interspar Hypermarkets.

According to the statement, the retailer will use environmentally friendly paper bags for packing and delivering items. (

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