ROMANIA: Supeco reports losses in its first year of activity | Progresiv

Supeco Investment Company, who operates Carrefour’s store chain Supeco, completed the first year on the local market with a business of about 50 million lei, but with losses of 8 million lei. ROMANIA: Supeco reports losses in its first year of activity

The first Supeco store was opened in autumn of 2014 in Ramnicu Valcea. The chain currently consists of four business units, the other stores operating in Targoviste, Slatina and Giurgiu - which is also the latest opening (March 2015).

With the opening of Supeco, Carrefour launched a new retail concept on the local market, a hybrid between cash & carry and discounter. The chain is independent of Carrefour Romania, with its own team and a marketing strategy and communication different from the Carrefour hypermarkets chain.

Supeco stores have a sales area ranging between 1,500 and 2,000 square meters, part of them being located in the former Interex supermarkets, a brand left the market. In terms of assortment, Supeco provides customers groceries, beverages, house cleaning products, personal hygiene products, as well as fruits, vegetables and fresh meat.

Supeco concept was first launched by Carrefour in 2013, in Spain, under the banner "savings for your family." At that time, the new chain had been presented as a hybrid discounter-cash&carry format. In Spain, Supeco is still a pilot project, with only 4 units operational at this time. It is important to note that some of the store openings in that market were conducted in locations of Carrefour Market supermarkets.

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