ROMANIA: Modern retail openings in December 2016 | Progresiv

International retail chains ended 2016 in force, opening a total of 53 stores in December, the month with the most openings throughout last year. ROMANIA: Modern retail openings in December 2016

Most openings in December 2016 were marked by Mega Image. The retailer, part of Ahold Delhaize group, reached a chain of 522 supermarkets and convenience stores, having opened in December a total of 15 units. The new stores opened in December are both in Shop & Go proximity format and in supermarket format.

Rewe Romania continued to expand in December, opening 14 Penny Market stores. Thus, the chain reached a total of 200 stores.

In December, Profi has not been the champion of store openings, as we got used almost throughout the entire year of 2016. The chain, recently acquired by the investment fund Mid Europa Partners, opened 13 stores in December and ended 2016 with a total of 501 units. Profi has become the second retailer that exceeds this threshold, after Mega Image.

Carrefour inaugurated 8 stores in December, including a hypermarket and seven Market format stores. Carrefour has 292 stores nationwide, of which 32 Carrefour hypermarkets, 119 Market supermarkets, 86 Billa stores, 43 Express proximity stores, 10 Contact convenience stores and an online commerce store:

Kaufland continued its national expansion in December, opening two hypermarkets. The retailer reached a total of 112 stores across the country.

Lidl chain expanded in December by opening a single store, in Cluj-Napoca. The German retailer now operates a total of 203 stores nationwide.

For detailed analysis on the expansion of international retailers locally access the interactive application Retail Universe at

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