ROMANIA: Modern retail openings of April | Progresiv

In April, international chains have continued their expansion plans, 16 business units being inaugurated. Thus, compared to April last year, big chains have opened four more stores. ROMANIA: Modern retail openings of April

The first position among the most expansive retailers is occupied by Profi, who opened nine new stores, claiming more than half of the inaugurations in April. The list continues with Mega Image, who opened six units and Carrefour, who marked only one opening.

Of the nine units inaugurated by Profi, five operate in the Loco format, dedicated to rural areas. The standard, respectively, City formats increased their portfolio with two stores in April. With these openings, the national chain of the retailer controlled by Enterprise Investors investment fund reached 391 stores operated in 188 cities. Compared to the same period of last year, the number increased by almost 100 units.

Belgian retailer Mega Image opened six units, five in Shop & Go proximity format and one in standard format. Part of Delhaize group, Mega Image currently has a chain  comprising of 472 stores in Romania, operated under the brands Mega Image, Shop & Go, Gusturi Romanesti, as well as an online trading platform developed in partnership with eMag. Until last month, the list was continued by AB Cool Food, frozen food specialized store, closed 3 years after its opening.

Carrefour also market an opening with its third supermarket in Craiova. With this opening, Carrefour Market chain has expanded to 108 units. In addition, Carrefour has 29 hypermarkets nationwide and 43 Carrefour Express proximity stores, 10 Contact proximity stores and an online commerce store:

For more detailed analysis regarding the local expansion of international retailers access Universul de Retail interactive application:

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