ROMANIA: Legislation topics on the agenda of Progresiv Conference, 2016 edition | Progresiv

The 16th edition 16th of Progresiv Conference, the most awaited annual business event in the FMCG market, will bring answers to ardent legal matters for the industry in the legislative panel "New Rules Changing the Game", scheduled on March 17th from 15:00. ROMANIA: Legislation topics on the agenda of Progresiv Conference, 2016 edition

It will bring face to face players from the FMCG market with representatives of the authorities - Ministry of Environment, Competition Council and Consumer Protection.

Confirmed speakers for the legislative panel are:

- Marin Matesica, Superior Counselor of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests - Department of Hazardous Substances and Waste Management (DGDSP)

- Laszlo Gyerko, Competition Counselor and Member of the Competition Council

- Sorin Susanu, Chief Commissioner of the Regional Commissary for Consumer Protection Brasov

Thus, participants at the Conference will be able to understand the implications for retailers and suppliers of new regulations or bills initiated by the Government.

Among the topics to be discussed during the legislative panel are:

What solutions has the Ministry of Environment for the blockage of packaging waste management sector?

What are the market segments targeted by the Competition Council this year?

In what stage is the retail Price Monitor project?

What are the sensitive issues related to labeling, imports and trade practices of manufacturers from the perspective of the consumer protection authority?

Registrations for Progressive Conference, 16th edition, held between 16-18 March 2016 in New Montana Hotel and the Sinaia Casino, entered the last hundred meters, there are only a few more seats available!

For information and registration access or send an email to

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