ROMANIA: The Competition Council analyses Billa supermarkets’ takeover by Carrefour | Progresiv
The Competition Council analyses Billa supermarkets’ takeover by Carrefour, the authority recently announced.
“The Competition Council analyses the merger by which Carrefour group takes control over the retail activity operated in Romania under Billa banner by Rewe group, Billa Romania SRL and Billa Invest Construct SRL”, states a press release of the Competition Council.
The transaction was initially notified to the European Commission, however the Romanian Competition Council was considered the most appropriate authority to analyze the market on which Carrefour could strengthen its position after taking over Billa’s stores.
The Competition Council will assess the economic concentration from the viewpoint of its compatibility with a normal competitive environment.
French retailer Carrefour announced at the end of 2015 the signing of a purchase agreement for Billa supermarket chain in Romania, the transaction value being estimated at 96-97 million euros. Billa operates 86 supermarkets nationwide, which have a total sales area of 83,000 square meters and is owned by German group Rewe. Carrefour operates 107 supermarkets locally and if the transaction is approved, the retailer will strengthen its position in the supermarket segment, reaching a nationwide chain of 193 business units.