ROMANIA: BAT plans 100 million euros investment in 2017 | Progresiv

British American Tobacco Romania (BAT) announced that it will invest over 100 million euros in the development of the factory in Ploiesti, from 1 January 2017. ROMANIA: BAT plans 100 million euros investment in 2017

The new investment project aims to start production of hybrid cigarettes, which is a novelty in the local market. This new generation of tobacco products was launched in Romania in early 2016, shortly after the entry into force of the law prohibiting smoking in enclosed public places.

"The investment in Ploiesti is in the production of the most advanced technological components that can be found in „glo iFuse”, namely „Neopods”, currently produced in the UK. This technology allows combining in a hybrid product the traditional cigarettes and electronic cigarettes without releasing odor, smoke or ashes", according to BAT representatives.

Basically, Kent glo iFUSE, a hybrid product that works with Kent Neopods capsules containing tobacco and liquid, which BAT launched in Romania in world premiere a few months ago, could be manufactured locally as of next year.

"Romania is an favorable environment for investments, with well-trained people and the highest economic growth in the European Union in 2016, a growth to which we are proud to have contributed. Therefore, we want to continue the positive impact we have on the local economy through our long-term commitment, including the securing of over 2,000 jobs across the country, and creating more in the coming years”, said Gemma Webb, General Director of British American Tobacco Romania.

The company-owned factory in Ploiesti was built from scratch in 1997.

In Romania, BAT is the largest player in the tobacco market, its main brand being Kent, with a market share of 26% in the category - according to data available at the beginning of the year. The company reported a turnover of 7.3 billion lei (1.6 billion euros) last year.

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