ROMANIA: Alex & Comp local business, divided between Fuchs and Dr. Oetker | Progresiv

German manufacturer Fuchs has acquired the spices division of Alex & Comp company from Galati, controlled by businessmen Dan and Catalin Alexandrescu. Recently, the German food additives manufacturer Dr. Oetker announced it acquired in March this year the brand Alex, for pastry and desserts ingredients, egg dyes and preservatives. ROMANIA: Alex & Comp local business, divided between Fuchs and Dr. Oetker

“This investment confirms our strategic interest for the market in Romania, provides long-term existence of a total of 250 jobs in Romania and strengthens our global business”, said Nils Pries Meyer, Fuchs CEO.

According to data provided, Fuchs is the Romanian market leader in spices, with turnover of about 70 million lei, while Alex & Comp ranks third in the market, this segment bringing the company in Galati a turnover of 10 million lei.

German spices manufacturer Fuchs is present on the local market since 2001 and owns a factory in Curtea de Arges, producing spices and spice mixes under the brands "Fuchs" and "Cosmin". Since 2009, the company invested 50 million lei in its unit from Curtea de Arges.

Alex & Comp was founded in 1994 and specializes in the production and marketing of ingredients for pastry and desserts, egg dyes, preservatives and spices. The company has a production facility in Vanatori, Galati county, and in 2013 posted a turnover of about 68 million lei (15.3 million euros).

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