Profi has been authorized by the Competition to take over the Maya stores | Progresiv

The Competition Council authorized the takeover of 18 Pram Maya stores by Profi Rom Food SRL. The takeover announcement was made in early November but none of the companies communicated the transaction value. Profi has been authorized by the Competition to take over the Maya stores

The Competition Council considers that the takeover “does not raise significant obstacles to effective competition on the Romanian market or a substantial part of it and there are no serious doubts regarding its compatibility with a normal competitive environment”.

The Pram Maya chain has 20 stores on the local market, in Prahova and Dâmbovița counties. Of these, only 18 are subject to takeover and belong to the proximity stores segment.

Pram Maya reported a turnover of 74.30 million lei last year, up by 26% compared to the previous year and a profit of 0.5 million lei, down by 12% compared to 2017.

Profi is the retailer that has the largest chain of stores on the local market, with more than 1,100 locations, and the plan for the next five years is to reach the target of 2,000 stores nationwide. Profi reported 5.9 billion lei for the financial year 2018, marking an increase of 25% compared to 2017. Moreover, by 2024, the retailer aims for a business of 15 billion lei.

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