P&G to acquire US body care brand | Progresiv

P&G has announced plans to acquire fast-growing female body care company Billie Inc. as part of its drive to overhaul its offering to tap into latest trends. P&G to acquire US body care brand

Billie is a subscription-based, direct-to-consumer (DTC) brand focused on providing women with shaving supplies and premium body care products. Their current product portfolio includes razors, shaving cream, body wash and body lotion.

P&G stated that the deal complements its existing female grooming portfolio, which includes the Venus, Braun and joy brands. The group added that Billie’s “fresh, digitally-native” brand was especially appealing to Millennial and Gen Z consumers. The company will continue to be led by its co-founders, Georgina Gooley and Jason Bravman.

“We’re thrilled by the prospect of joining P&G to bring high-quality products at affordable prices to women around the world,” said Gooley. “Their ability to create global household brands that have stood the test of time is a testament to their brand-building expertise; together, we’ll be able to create an even stronger brand for womankind.”

Gary Coombe, CEO of P&G Global Grooming, added: “The combination of Billie’s high-quality, naturals-focused razors and body care products, and P&G’s highly-skilled and experienced people, resources, technical capabilities and go-to-market expertise will allow us to further reach Millennial and Gen Z women through a fresh, bold attitude.” (www.kamcity.com)

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