Penny Market to invest 19 million euros in the first logistic center in Moldova | Progresiv

Penny Market, part of German group Rewe, began construction of its third logistics center near Bacau, being the first retailer on the local market to initiate such a project in Moldova region. The investment will amount to 19 million euros and will include the purchase of land, building and specific equipment. Penny Market to invest 19 million euros in the first logistic center in Moldova

The logistic center in Moldova represents an optimization factor in the logistic flow and regional distribution for Penny Market. It will also help ensure a higher level of freshness for the products sold throughout the chain of stores.

"It's a very important moment for the entire business of Rewe Romania. The project is part of the development strategy of the Penny Market distribution network at national level and complements the two existing centers in Turda and Bucharest. With the inauguration of the logistics center in Bacau an estimated 150 permanent jobs will be initially created", said Daniel Gross, Managing Director Rewe Romania.

Developed by KÉSZ Holding Zrt., Cluj-Napoca branch, the logistic complex has a total built area of approximately 19,000 m2, a height of 14.5 meters and a plot of about 8 hectares. Modern technological solutions implemented on the complex aim at reducing energy consumption and emissions. The center uses a full LED lighting system featuring automatic controls.

The coolers are integrated into an automated management system through which will constantly monitor temperatures both in the inner and outer area of refrigeration.

The first Penny Market store was opened on the local market in 2005. Currently, the German group Rewe operates 175 Penny Market stores and 8 XXL Mega Discount stores in Romania. In the financial year 2014, the retailer reported a turnover of 2.33 billion lei and a net profit of approximately 11 million lei.

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