Metro Properties sells and leases back prime Central European portfolio of Cash & Carry stores | Progresiv

Metro Properties, the real estate company of Metro AG, sold the real estate of 11 Cash & Carry stores in Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic in a sale-and-leaseback transaction. Metro Properties sells and leases back prime Central European portfolio of Cash & Carry stores

The portfolio has been acquired by FLE GmbH, Vienna, subsidiary of French LFPI Group, investing on behalf of an AIF regulated fund. The transaction was finalized in August 2019, with a total volume exceeding 250 million euros. Metro and Makro Cash & Carry will continue to operate all wholesale locations on the basis of long-term lease contracts.

“Real estate markets are close to historical low yields. Many of our assets have been fully developed. Taking advantage of a healthy real estate market, we can capitalize on our strong operational standing, thereby crystalizing value to make new investments and pursue further projects”, explained Jürgen Schwarze, CFO Metro Properties.

“The sale of selected assets from the real estate portfolio in the Central Eastern European region is one example of our global portfolio strategy. We unlock real estate value built up and fostered by continuous successful operations. With FLE GmbH, we have found a matching partner, sharing both our passion and our vision for the wholesale business”, added Wolfgang Baumgartinger, Director Transactions Metro Properties.

“With the acquisition of 11 Cash & Carry properties in Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic, we have not only acquired real estate in prime CEE cities, but also see ourselves as a highly committed new long-term partner of Metro AG. We appreciate Metro as a very sophisticated and pioneering market leader in the international wholesale business. Just like our new partner, we strive to create long-term sustainable values through our business model and our investments. Metro and Makro Cash & Carry have carefully established their markets and all properties are excellently located with very good accessibility and visibility. We see this investment as an important milestone for our investment strategy in CEE countries”, outlined Alexander Klafsky, Managing Partner of FLE GmbH.

The total portfolio of 11 established properties comprises 5 Makro Cash & Carry stores in Poland (Warsaw, Wroclaw, Krakow and Lublin), 3 Metro Cash & Carry properties in Hungary (Budapest) and 3 Makro Cash & Carry markets in Czech Republic (Prague). Metro Properties retains the ownership of several adjacent plots in Poland and Czech Republic to develop mixed-use projects. (

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