LaDoiPasi chain to double its number of stores in the next 4 years | Progresiv

LaDoiPasi's franchise chain, developed by Metro Cash & Carry retailer, continues to expand nationwide and estimates that in the next four years it will double the number of proximity stores. LaDoiPasi chain to double its number of stores in the next 4 years

The LaDoiPasi franchise is spread throughout the country, with 40% of shops in the south, 30% in the north, and 30% in the West. To date, more than 860 stores have been opened under the umbrella of LaDoiPasi, and the retailer is pursuing expansion in communities across the country, both urban and rural.

The accelerated development of the chain is generally supported by the advance of traditional commerce, which now accounts for 42% of the consumer goods market, according to Nielsen statistics, the increase in purchasing power and the investments made by the retailer.

"The success of a brand, irrespective of the category it belongs to, depends on the relationship it builds with each customer. LaDoiPasi relies heavily on the familiarity that entrepreneurs end up building with consumers, and franchise stores become more than self-serving areas, they are places for interaction and dialogue between store owners and members of the local community", underlined Geanina Ghiculescu, Head of Retail Marketing Metro Romania – LaDoiPasi Department.

The retailer targets 1,100 LaDoiPasi stores by the end of 2019. Metro Cash & Carry launched the LaDoiPasi concept on the local market in 2012. Next to Metro Cash & Carry, the biggest players on the proximity segment are Profi who works in this area with all three formats - Profi, Profi City and Profi Loco), Carrefour (Express, Express Orange, Contact), Mega Image (Shop & Go), Lagardere Travel Retail (1 Minute, Hub Conveniece) and Auchan (MyAuchan).

Metro Cash & Carry Romania recorded in the financial year 2017 a turnover of 4.72 billion lei, up by 8% compared to 2016, according to the data reported by the company to the Ministry of Finance.

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