Kaufland Poland to take over former Tesco hypermarket locations | Progresiv

Kaufland submitted to UOKiK five applications for permission to take over locations where Tesco hypermarkets operated. Thus, the information of the portal Wiadomościoscihandlowe.pl was confirmed, which already in August this year wrote that it is the German supermarket chain that is the main contender to take over the stores that Tesco put up for sale. Kaufland Poland to take over former Tesco hypermarket locations

Five applications have already been submitted to UOKiK in this case, in which Kaufland is willing to take over 5 hypermarkets in Warsaw, Krakow, Wrocław, Lublin and Gdańsk.

For the analysts with whom we talked about the takeover, the most likely contender to enter the locations after Tesco hypermarkets was the German network Kaufland. Why? They predicted that in the case of this chain there would be no problems obtaining consent for the transaction from UOKiK.

If these messages are confirmed, Kaufland will soon develop the properties sold by Tesco.

Tesco Polska operates a chain of large-scale retail stores with non-specialized sales of AKCU in Poland. Tesco Krakow is one of the stores belonging to the above chain. Tesco Polska is part of the British Tesco Group, headed by Tesco plc, based in Welwyn Garden City in Great Britain. (www.wiadomoscihandlowe.pl)

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