Ipsos Romania, performance above the group’s average in 2019 | Progresiv

Ipsos Romania ended 2019 with a turnover of 16.44 million lei, marking a 37% advance compared to 2018, which represents a much higher growth rate than that reported at group level (14, 5%). Ipsos Romania, performance above the group’s average in 2019

"The result is in line with what we had predicted, an estimate mainly determined by the acquisition of the two business lines from GfK Romania at the end of 2018. The increase generated by the expansion of the business was below 10%, the rest of 30% being all organic growth of the Ipsos customer base", said Alina Stepan, Country Manager Ipsos Romania and Bulgaria.

Globally, the Ipsos group has exceeded the threshold of 2 billion euros in turnover. In like-for-like terms (excluding purchases) the advance was 3.8%.

"The Ipsos group exceeded in 2019 the threshold of the two billion euros in sales, reporting progress on all market segments and in all regions where it is present. Despite this growth, excellent momentum in the last quarter of 2019 and high sales since January 2020, the group announces that it will be affected less or more by the coronavirus crisis, especially because of its leadership position on the Chinese market, which accounted for 7.5% of Ipsos revenues in 2019", writes Le Figaro.

Regarding expectations for the local market, the company hopes to remain on an upward trend. "Given the current context of maintaining the business at the level of last year or a single digit growth is the most plausible scenario", added Alina Stepan.

In 2019, the Ipsos group completed the acquisition of the four divisions of GfK (Customer Experience, Experience Innovation, Health and Public Affairs), for which the French company paid 105 million euros.

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