Heineken acquires minority stake in Amsterdam craft beer producer | Progresiv

Heineken has acquired a minority stake in Amsterdam-based craft beer maker Oedipus Brewing for an undisclosed sum. Heineken acquires minority stake in Amsterdam craft beer producer

Oedipus, which was founded seven years ago, said the deal will allow it to increase the quality of its beers and expand distribution.

In a letter posted on the Oedipus website, the brewer’s founders said the investment from Heineken will make their “creative dreams a reality”. They are looking to open bar where innovative cuisine is matched with experimental beer, launch a musical and cultural venue and construct a sustainable farmhouse brewery in or around Amsterdam.

The founders stressed that following the transaction, they will remain full control of the brewing process.

“They (Heineken) immediately understood our vision and are willing to support our dreams with their capacities and resources,” said the founders. “It has been confidence-inspiring to see, despite our obvious differences, the extent to which we speak the same language. And it has been great to see mutual trust and understanding grow with each conversation.”

Pascal Gilet, Heineken’s CEO for the Netherlands, said: “I think it’s fantastic that we can work together with the people at Oedipus. Thanks to their superb, colourful, progressive beers and a wonderful mix of design, music and culture, Oedipus has established a unique position in a short time. I am really impressed by the creativity, passion and imagination with which they brew and present their beers.

“They are a source of inspiration to many and know how to bring people together – something that I personally value enormously. Oedipus provides beer and pleasure, and I admire that. They are non-conformist, independent and free-spirited: brewers first, and a passion for music close behind.”

The deal sees Heineken continue to expand in the craft beer sector and follows on from investments in La Cibeles, Beavertown Brewery, Brixton Brewery and Lagunitas Brewing in recent years. (www.foodbev.com)

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