GERMANY: Henkel appoints Hans Van Bylen to succeed Kasper Rorsted as CEO | Progresiv

Henkel has announced that CEO Kasper Rorsted, who has decided not to renew his current contract beyond 2017, will leave the company at his own request as of April 30, 2016, joining sports clothing company adidas. He served on the Henkel Management Board for 11 years, thereof 8 years as CEO. Effective May 1, 2016, Hans Van Bylen has been appointed as his successor. GERMANY: Henkel appoints Hans Van Bylen to succeed Kasper Rorsted as CEO

His successful career at Henkel started in 1984 and he serves as member of the Management Board since 2005, responsible for the Beauty Care business. The appointment to CEO already in spring will enable him to leading the development of the new strategy which Henkel will announce at the end of this year and driving its successful execution.

“With the appointment of Hans Van Bylen as new CEO we have named a strong successor to the CEO position at an early time – as it is common practice at Henkel. Hans Van Bylen is an excellent choice as he has long-standing, international experience in managing brands and markets as well as a Management Board member at Henkel. On behalf of our governance committees and employees I wish Hans Van Bylen all the best and much success in his new role“, said Dr. Simone Bagel-Trah, Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board and the Shareholders’ Committee.

The successor of Hans Van Bylen as Executive Vice President Beauty Care will be announced in due course.

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