FRANCE: Auchan upgrading and rebranding in France | Progresiv

Auchan is to upgrade one of its Simply Market stores in France to a more premium banner: Simply Market Gourmand. We also look at rebranding plans for French hypermarkets. The store, in Yvelines near Paris, is one of Simply's older stores, hence the decision to refurbish makes sense. A more premium concept will, however, better suit the local catchment area and customers. An Auchan director, speaking to LSA magazine, said the changes are not linked to the alliance with Système U and the Gourmand concept would not be rolled out further. The store is set to reopen in September. FRANCE: Auchan upgrading and rebranding in France

At the start of June it was reported that Auchan is rebranding French hypermarkets, adding '.fr' to the end to emphasise its multichannel business. The first hypermarket is due to open in Meaux, north-east of Paris, in October and the changes will be rolled out to half of the hypermarket estate within two years; not all stores will be suitable for rebranding. Expansion is still on the cards for Auchan's hypermarket business, despite difficult conditions and poor performance, it will open seven in France over the next three years.

This change is part of Auchan's new image in France, and will be accompanied by a new strapline. Speaking on behalf of Auchan, Valérie Vendeville said the retailer is trying to move from a 'store brand' to a 'crosschannel brand'. (

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