Carrefour speeds up expansion at the end of the year | Progresiv

Carrefour Romania launched a new store concept in the proximity segment, under the Express banner umbrella. Carrefour speeds up expansion at the end of the year

Carrefour management claims that the new Express supermarket model is closer to the customer both by location, but also by assortment and design.

The new concept is open in Bucharest, on the ground floor of the Globalworth building, in a business area. As a result, the assortment was designed for the needs of employees in the area, including a Food2Go space and a café with a bar.

In the store are listed 3,000 products, including organic packaged food, fresh salads, sandwiches, Lebanese mixes and chicken. The new Carrefour Express has seven cash registers, of which five are self-service express houses. In addition, inside the supermarket there are LED screens that communicate all offers, electronic labels, and buyers can use the Carrefour Pay application to scan the products taken from the shelf and then pay at the fast houses.

The new Express concept is not the only opening the French retailer has scheduled for the end of this year. At the beginning of December, Carrefour opens a hypermarket in Corbeanca, the second of this year under this format, after the inauguration in Zalau.

Carrefour is one of the most important players on the local retail market. The company ended 2018 with a turnover of 10.56 billion lei, up by 10% compared to the previous year and a profit of 226 million lei, marking an increase of 80% compared to 2017.

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