Carrefour Polska opens 'bee hotels' | Progresiv

Carrefour Polska has announced that it has opened its first bee hotels in the city of Wrocław. Carrefour Polska opens 'bee hotels'

The bee shelters are placed on the roof of its hypermarket at ul. Gen. Haller 52.

The move is a part of Carrefour's Pszczele Hotele (Bee Hotels) campaign to protect bees in the urban environment.

The campaign, initiated in association with the Pszczelarz Kozacki company, also aims to raise awareness about preserving biodiversity and urban beekeeping.

Wroclaw is the seventh Polish city where Carrefour has installed shelters for insects as a part of the campaign.

So far, the retailer has installed around 30 bee shelters in its outlets in Poland.

The bee protection programme, an initiative of Carrefour Polska, is part of the retail group's global CSR strategy on the protection of biodiversity. (

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