Carrefour Belgium trials new solutions | Progresiv

As the retailer looks to turnaround its underperformance in Belgium, Carrefour has rolled out new trials in the country to help shoppers maximise their time in store. Carrefour Belgium trials new solutions

Carrefour is set to trial a system that enables shoppers to pay with their fingerprints. The trial follows a test conducted previously which saw it enable shoppers to use their fingerprints rather than a loyalty card. As part of the upcoming trial Carrefour will allow shoppers to combine both payment and loyalty cards to their fingerprints, which will help them save even more time in-store.

As part of separate trials, Carrefour has opened two stores in Brussels as it looks to grow its shopper base. A new 200 sq. m Carrefour City has expanded the range of organic products on offer, with 480 Carrefour Bio SKUs, while combining this with depth in its private label range, it carries 1,530 SKUs, while also dedicating 60 sq. m to a Carrefour Café. To build on its corporate aim to be more sustainable, Carrefour uses recycled fixtures, while the store also encourages shoppers to bring reusable boxes to put purchases into.

The second innovative store from Carrefour is an Express, which opened near Brussels Central Station. The retailer has limited its range of ambient products to put a focus on fresh items, such as bakery, its delicatessen range and fruit and vegetables. The 190 sq. store, of which 40 sq. m is on a mezzanine, also upweights its organic, private label and food-to-go ranges too. The retailer said the new design would provide a foundation for further stores that will be opened in the short term. Carrefour noted the strategy would be tweaked for residential, rural and ‘to go’ areas. (

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