Agrokor plans IPO on London Stock Exchange for 2017 | Progresiv

Croatian food-to-retail consortium Agrokor, is preparing for an Initial Public Offering (IPO) on the London Stock Exchange, potentially to take place in the summer of 2017. Agrokor plans IPO on London Stock Exchange for 2017

According to a report published in Slovenian daily newspaper, Finance, the consortium is planning to sell a minority stake to a sole investor.

At present, it is still unclear whether the IPO will concern the whole group or just the food business. This decision will depend on the market situation and the desirability of investors. In both cases, Agrokor would forego 49 per cent of its shares.

The food segment of Agrokor consists of the following companies: Agrolaguna, Dijamant, Frikom, Jamnica, Ledo, Mladina, PIK Vrbovec, PIK Vinkovci, Sarajevo Kiseljak, Solana Pag, Vupik and Zvijezda.

According to the paper, investors from the US, Middle and Far East, are interested in these companies, with particular interest from China.

The same source claims that the IPO of Agrokor in its entirety is less likely, because the consolidation of the retail sector, i.e. Mercator and Konzum, has not yet been completed.

In a related development, the EBRD is acquiring an 8.33 per cent equity stake in Agrokor.

The Bank will invest up to 110 million euros for the equity stake, which will help the Croatian company restructure its balance sheet following a series of domestic and foreign acquisitions, and also prepare for the future IPO. (

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