ITALY: Carrefour launches virtual supermarket at Milan metro station | Progresiv

The first example of the virtual store has now arrived in Italy with over 1,000 products of the best mass distribution brands, which can be ordered simply by scanning the products with your own mobile phone. ITALY: Carrefour launches virtual supermarket at Milan metro station

After the positive results of the trial phase, Carrefour Italia, in collaboration with Risparmio Super, has launched the first online shopping service via the web or mobile, making it possible to go shopping online at any time and plan a collection from the store or home delivery.

The creation of a 200 meter long display space is a mean of commuicating to the customer that digital is breaking through traditional shopping patterns and even the most physical of spaces, like the sales outlet, can be dematerialised while guaranteeing the same level of service.

With the sales outlet has entered the consumer’s space, through the web. A virtual supermarket accessible at any time, not only in the metro but also at the bus stop, in the train, on the sofa at home or while standing in the post office queue. The innovative service, a veritable leap into the future, currently active at 120 sales outlets in Milan, Rome, Genoa, Florence, Bologna and the main cities of Lombardy, will shortly be extended to the rest of Italy. The shopping, wherever it is ordered, can be collected at 1 hour after the order, jumping the queue thanks to a dedicated till. Alternatively, the customer can also choose the home delivery service, available 3 hours after the order. The service guarantees the same prices as the traditional store and all Carrefour Italia’s offers. (

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