Spanish company Huercasa opens factory in Romania | Progresiv

The Spanish company Huercasa, based in the province of Segovia, which is a leading producer and trader of processed, ready-to-eat products in Spain, with some 40,000 tons marketed in 2018, wants to continue growing. To this end, it has planned the construction of a new factory in Romania, from where it will be able to supply its range of products for their sale in Central Europe (Germany and Poland) and the countries of the East. In this way, it aims to boost its sales abroad, a business that accounted for 80% of the total revenue in 2018. It should be noted that the company has been integrated in Anecoop since October 2016, and together they are developing the new "Express Slow Food" product category, aimed at the European market. Spanish company Huercasa opens factory in Romania

The new plant is being built on a 200,000 square meter plot in Calarasi, in the Valaquia region, and its initial budget is 3 million euros, as reported by the Diario de Valladolid. According to the details, the project is oriented towards the production of organic products, given the strong demand for them in European countries. The new factory's sales are expected to generate 25% of Huercasa's total revenue (about 6,000 tons of final product). Its launch, now in the testing phase, is expected to take place between the months of November 2019 and March 2020, only to enter full production in the month of June.

After this factory's inauguration, the company will have three productive units: one in Romania, another in Sanchonuño, and the last one in Valsaín. Since 2018, the firm has also owned a logistics platform in the municipality of San Miguel del Arroyo, in Valladolid, whose construction required an investment of close to 10 million euros. At the technological level, its factories are undergoing important on-going transformations, moving towards the 4.0 industry, which will allow them to have an intelligent production and management system within a few years. To be able to make such investments, the company dedicates more than 3% of its annual turnover to the R+D+i division. In 2018, it invoiced 40.72 million euros; 7% more than in the previous period, "despite the problems arising due to the bad weather conditions of 2017." (

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