Solina Group buys Supremia, the biggest spices producer in Romania | Progresiv

Solina, a leading European producer of savory ingredients for the food industry, announces that it has reached an agreement to complete the acquisition of Supremia Grup from Levente Hugo Bara, the founder and owner of the company. This agreement is subject to anti-trust authorities approval which is expected in the coming months. The parties have agreed not to disclose the transaction value. Solina Group buys Supremia, the biggest spices producer in Romania

Headquartered in Alba Lulia, Romania, Supremia is the leader in Romanian food ingredients and spices market, and is active in Eastern and Western Europe, as well as Scandinavia. Since founding the company in 2000, Levente Bara has built the group into an established player with more than 300 employees and sales of 52.1 million euros in 2016. Following the acquisition, the current management team will stay in the Company. For Solina, the acquisition represents the latest step in its external growth strategy in the European food industry.

“This deal is a major step for us, particularly in Eastern Europe, and Supremia will become our regional center there. We are committed to expanding across Europe through a build-up strategy in all major markets, and this acquisition perfectly fits our network of service centers across the continent and beyond. Customers of both groups will benefit from what will be the largest R&D and production network in Europe. We are committed to remaining a highly innovative, service and customer-orientated, as well as an agile company. Being a larger size means that we will be able to make our procurement process more efficient, as well as offering unique growth opportunities for our preferred suppliers”, said Laurent Weber, CEO, Solina Group

“Supremia is today an important player in the European food ingredients market showing very fast growth in the last 15 years based on an efficient management system and a strongly motivated team. I realize that maintaining such direction and growth alone as shareholder became more and more difficult and I decided a year ago to find the right partner for Supremia.” “Solina is the best partner for us and for the future of our organization, with interesting potential synergies and the combined group will become stronger and a more attractive partner for our customers”, said Levente Hugo Bara, Owner, Supremia Grup.

Supremia Grup is the leader in the Romanian food ingredients market since 2010 with more than 2,500 active clients on domestic and external markets.

Solina Group is a European leader of the savory ingredients European market. With 14 production facilities, multiple R&D centers and local sales offices, Solina‘s services feature personalized ingredient solutions for the food industry in the areas of Functionalities, Taste and Visual, and Nutritional solutions. Solina is also a major player in the butchers and food service markets. Headquartered in France, the Company has around 1200 employees, direct presence in 17 countries and serves customers in more than 75 countries.

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