RUSSIA: X5 Retail, Mail.Ru join forces to improve online ad targeting | Progresiv

The X5 Retail Group has formed a partnership with the Mail.Ru Group to measure the impact of targeted online advertising on offline sales. RUSSIA: X5 Retail, Mail.Ru join forces to improve online ad targeting

The solution, which has already been tested by Dentsu Aegis, will provide myTarget platform clients with access to anonymised data about X5 Retail consumer behaviour, with an aim to “enhance the accuracy of ad targeting and linking ad impression data with sales performance at the Pyaterochka, Perekrestok and Karusel chains”.

During the trial, X5 created anonymised customer segments for specific advertisers (based on their consumption patterns), and will soon add public segments featuring a CPM-based monetisation model. The group said this will contribute to improving the efficiency of online advertising campaigns and help advertisers to better understand the demand curve for specific products.

The X5 Retail Group noted: “We use accumulated purchasing data for effective marketing communication in the interests of food producers. By offering the opportunity to assess the actual impact of digital advertising campaigns on sales in the Company’s stores, we provide food manufacturers with a powerful tool for optimising marketing costs.”

The Mail.Ru Group added: “We help advertisers achieve the best conversion rates through continuous improvement of myTarget functions. Today, as part of our partnership with X5 Retail Group, we are pleased to offer our customers new opportunities to assess the effect on offline sales of online ads, coupled with new targeting opportunities. With a wider range of customer segments available, businesses are able to select target audiences for advertising messages as accurately as possible”. (

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