ROMANIA: Vascar, 8% advance in cold cuts sales in Q3 | Progresiv

Vascar, one of the leading meat and canned foods producers on the local market, reported a 8% increase in cold cuts category turnover in the third quarter of this year, compared to the same period last year. ROMANIA: Vascar, 8% advance in cold cuts sales in Q3

Also, in the first nine months of this year, the company's turnover reported an advance of 3% based on the increase in direct distribution through sales force and the volume of modern retail. For the entire 2017, the manufacturer estimates a 14.5% increase in turnover over the 2016 results. Vascar representatives place the outcome in the context of portfolio and distribution channels expansion.

"We are glad that we brought on the Romanians’ table a new range of innovative, healthy and tasty products from Moldova in Bucate. There are many new things - from the range that bears the signature of Chef Horia Virlan, to the other 6 new special categories: parched products - where we used innovative production technology, mangalita pork products, duck specialties and fresh pork meat, 45% liver pate or boxed dishes without E-s and additives. So we invite all Romanians to a healthy meal with Moldova in Bucate", said Vlad Ciuburciu, Vascar's General Director.

Currently, Vascar's own retail chain has reached 18 units, after the company decided to close the flagship store in Bacau for further relocation. In the coming period, the company plans to open a new specialized unit.

With over 30 years of experience, Vascar is one of the main meat and canned foods producers in Romania, the products being marketed under the Vascar and Moldova in Bucate trademarks. The company owns a processing plant in Vaslui. In 2016, the company reported a turnover of approximately 68 million lei.

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