ROMANIA: The Price Monitor, extended nationwide by the end of the year | Progresiv

Almost two years after its launch, the Competition Council will extend by the end of 2018 the services offered by the online Price Monitor platform, which displays the prices of the main retailers for the products that are part of the daily basket, said Bogdan Chiritoiu , The President of the Authority. ROMANIA: The Price Monitor, extended nationwide by the end of the year

"Currently, the Food Price Monitor is only available in Bucharest, but by the end of the year we will expand national service for both food and fuel. We must, in order to benefit from the budget of 200-300,000 euros allocated to this project", Bogdan Chiritoiu said.

The Price Monitor offers prices for 128 products in 64 categories. The platform was built with the support of ANPC, Nielsen and GS1. The platform includes the modern retail chains Carrefour, Kaufland, Lidl, Mega Image, Penny Market, Selgros. Even if, since last July, the players in modern trade are obliged to submit to the Competition Council, at the request of this authority, the selling prices of the products marketed in stores, according to the Platform of Prices Monitor platform, at this moment there are missing four big names in the modern retail: Auchan, Cora, Profi and Metro.

"The companies that are part of the modern retail, like supermarkets, hypermarkets, discounters and cash & carry units, shall submit to the Competition Council, at its request, the selling prices of the products marketed by them for the purpose of carrying out analyzes, market studies or price comparisons. Alienate (5) (mentioned above) was introduced by point 2 of Emergency Ordinance no. 39/2017 as of 08.06.2017", according to Law 21/1995.

If the retailers do not respond to the Competition's requests, they will be fined ranging from 20,000 to 50,000 lei.

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