ROMANIA: Modern retail openings in September | Progresiv

International retailers continued their investments in expansion in September, with 26 stores opened, a unit more than in August and four more units compared to September last year. ROMANIA: Modern retail openings in September

The leader in openings remains Profi, who marked 18 inaugurations last month, reaching 628 commercial units nationwide. Of the new open stores, seven operate in Standard format, four under the Loco banner and seven in the City format.

The second place among the most expansive retailers is held by the Germans from Penny Market that continued their expansion, inaugurating four stores in Bucharest, Braila, Bacau and Simeria. With these openings, the retailer reaches 209 locations.

Carrefour invested in the development of the supermarket chain and opened the second supermarket in Vaslui. The retailer also marked an opening on the Express Orange format. With these openings, the retailer owns 302 stores, including 32 Carrefour hypermarkets, 218 supermarkets (203 Market stores and 15 Express Orange stores), 42 Express proximity stores, and 10 Contact proximity stores.

Lidl and Selgros each checked one opening in September. Lidl has expanded into the Capital with a new store and, with this inauguration, has 112 local stores. Selgros checked its first opening this year in Bistrita. The store operates in compact format and is the third such unit, after those in Targu Mures and Alba Iulia, inaugurated in 2016. Currently, Selgros owns 22 stores in major cities in Romania.

For more detailed analysis of international retailers’ expansion locally, visit the Retail Universe interactive application:

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