ROMANIA: J&B importer to invest 4 million euros in its own logistic warehouse in Bucharest | Progresiv

PPD, the company that imports J&B, Johnnie Walker and Aperol on the Romanian market, will invest 4 million euros in the construction of its own logistics warehouse in Bucharest, which will be completed next year. ROMANIA: J&B importer to invest 4 million euros in its own logistic warehouse in Bucharest

If until now PPD Romania has rented storage space, the company has decided to invest in its own logistics warehouse amid volume increases, explained for Progresiv Constandinos Efthymiou, PPD Regional Director for Central and Eastern Europe.

"It’s about a land with a total area of 16,800 square meters, half being occupied by the construction itself", Efthymiou said.

In addition to this investment, the company will also target a major budget to its main brands in the portfolio - J&B, Jonny Walker and Aperol - but also to the re-launch of the Tazovsky vodka brand, especially in traditional trade. In addition, the company plans to expand the team from Romania, this year completing it with 14 new employees in the sales area.

With regard to this year's turnover, Constandinos Efthymiou estimated a 23% advance in sales, driven by the categories of whiskey, vodka, rum or aperol, the latter two having the fastest rhythm of growth. For next year, the company expects to keep the advance registered in 2017.

"We are counting on a two-digit growth in 2018. In the most pessimistic scenario, I see a 10% advance", Efthymiou said.

According to the data provided by the Ministry of Finance, PPD Romania ended last year with a turnover of 22 million lei, up by 12% compared to 2015 and a net profit of 1.38 million lei, increasing by 3% compared to 2015.

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