ROMANIA: Gerovital H3 Evolution sales, 10% advance in H1 | Progresiv

The Gerovital H3 Evolution anti-age range reported in the first six months of this year a sales increase of more than 10% over the same period last year, according to the information provided by the company. Gerovital H3 Evolution 5% Hyaluronic Acid Vials ranks first in the personalized category of face care products, with the anti-wrinkles segment having a market share of 13.6%, according to Nielsen data. ROMANIA: Gerovital H3 Evolution sales, 10% advance in H1

"Since its launch in 2010, the Gerovital H3 Evolution range has achieved outstanding results, being frequently developed with new products of maximum performance and efficiency. The 10% increase in sales since the first half of this year has been stimulated by both the Romanians' orientation towards quality products, advanced in terms of effects and benefits, as well as the efficiency of the products in the range.

For the next period, we are considering developing the range with new innovative products, recognized for thier strong anti-wrinkles effects", said Claudia Palacian, Product Manager Farmec.

The Gerovital H3Evolution range comprises 14 products, the latest releases being Hyaluronic Acid Mycelial Water, 6% Hyaluronic Acid Serum and 3% Hyaluronic Acid Cream, the latest product achieving the best results (+ 54% in the first semester vs. the same period of the previous year). Gerovital H3 Evolution products can be purchased from both the online store, as well as from brand stores nationwide, supermarkets, hypermarkets, and dedicated stores.

Farmec S.A. Cluj-Napoca is the largest cosmetic manufacturer with 100% Romanian capital, and the Gerovital brand holds the first position on the Face Care category, with a market share of 24.8%, according to Nielsen data, for January - June 2018. Last year the company reported a turnover of 214.2 million lei (45.8 million euros), an increase of 9% compared to 2016, and a net profit of 10.5 million lei.

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