ROMANIA: Farmec increased its export sales by 36% in the last three years | Progresiv

Farmec, the largest cosmetics producer in Romania, announces an increase in sales on the foreign market of about 36% for the last three years (2014-2017). The dynamics is due to the international expansion strategy, which aimed at implementing new trade policies for foreign partners, developing products tailored to the particularities of certain markets, and expanding the portfolio with innovative ranges. ROMANIA: Farmec increased its export sales by 36% in the last three years

"The upward trend in external sales is a validation of our global expansion goals, as well as a confirmation of the potential of the brands in our portfolio. The 36% increase in sales over the last 3 years is the result of a thorough analysis of the characteristics of each market and, consequently, the diversification of product ranges that meet these distinct needs. In 2018, alongside our strong domestic development, we will continue to expand Farmec beyond Romania. In this regard, we are counting on partnerships with collaborators from new outlets, as well as increasing market share in countries where we have been present for many years", said Ioana Turdean, Farmec Foreign Sales Manager.

The expansion strategy on the foreign market of the producer from Cluj aims, among other things, at the franchise openings of the Farmec and Gerovital brand stores, a step estimated for 2018. Globally, Farmec products are marketed in over 30 countries, and in Europe the company is present with 7 stores, opened by partners (3 centers in Spain, 2 in Italy and one space in Greece and Hungary).

The most demanded types of products on the foreign market are anti-age, anti-acne and hair care treatments that belong to Gerovital H3 Evolution, Gerovital Stop Acne and Gerovital Treatment Expert respectively. The fastest growth in sales was reported by the premium ranges of Gerovital H3 Derma + Premium Care and Gerovital Luxury, both launched in 2017.

According to the latest information, Farmec ended 2017 with a 9.5% increase in sales, up to the 215 million lei threshold. Locally, Farmec operates 8 stores under the Farmec brand and 13 Gerovital stores.


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