ROMANIA: Carrefour Market format reaches ten units in Timisoara | Progresiv

Carrefour Romania inaugurated a new supermarket in Timisoara, Market Timisoara Mures being the tenth of this type in the city and number 204 in the whole country. ROMANIA: Carrefour Market format reaches ten units in Timisoara

The commercial model of the Market format is focused on a range of about 5,000 products, and the offer includes over 1,000 Carrefour items, about 20% cheaper than national brands. Customers can also choose from a wide range of dairy-cheeses, butchery, groceries, bakery and pastry, fruit-based, semi-prepared, international products, bio and dietetic products, as well as non-food hygiene and housekeeping products.

Key Data about Market Timisoara Mures:

* Address: No. 188-190 Mures St, Timisoara (formerly No. 186 Mures Street - corner with Debusy Street);

* Opening hours: Monday - Saturday: 8:00-22:00, Sunday: 8:00-20:00;

* Store area: 505 sqm;

* Product range: 7.000;

* Number of employees: 18;

* Number of cash registers: 4.

With more than 10,100 stores in 34 countries, the Carrefour Group is the world's second-largest retailer and number one in Europe. In Romania, Carrefour Group counts 305 stores, of which 32 Carrefour hypermarkets, 219 supermarkets (204 Market and 16 Express Orange stores), 43 Express proximity stores, 10 Contact proximity stores and an online store.

At the end of September, the French group announced the completion of Billa's remodeling process in Romania, which lasted about seven months.

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