ROMANIA: Carrefour extends its support program for local producers | Progresiv

Carrefour launched its fourth Channel of Quality for Veal Meat, a program aimed at supporting local producers, which will generate 20% of the total meat sold within its stores by the end of this year. ROMANIA: Carrefour extends its support program for local producers

This is the fourth such project, following the pork, carrot and potato programs launched since 2008.

The products marketed under the umbrella of the Channel of Quality for Veal Meat come from two meat farms in Arges and Brasov counties, the Charolaise breed. The farm in Arges County currently has a 80 heads, while the farm in Brasov holds a double number. Both will reach 100 tons of beef by the end of this year, according to Sliviu Diaconu, Director of Fresh Goods Acquisition within Carrefour.

"For the time being the products will be available only for Bucharest stores as we do not have the amount needed to cover the entire chain. We are in discussions with another 5-6 partners and we believe that in the next period we will be able to adjust this aspect. We hope that in a few years we will reach over 50% of the meat sold in stores from this Channel", added Silviu Diaconu.

Consumers can also purchase products from the Bringo platform.

The meat is cut and packaged in a specialized slaughterhouse in Ramnicu Valcea, owned by Diana company, a business belonging to the Craciunescu family.

Currently, Carrefour sells 100% Romanian poultry meat, 90% local beef and 60% Romanian pork meat.

French retailer Carrefour recorded a 10.6% business advance in the first quarter of this year on the Romanian market, up to 486 million euros, according to the financial report published by the company.

At the end of last year, Carrefour owned 323 stores in Romania, including 33 hypermarkets, 237 supermarkets, 53 proximity stores and an online store.

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